FAMT Agrocampus ouest

FAMT installation

Download the new version of the FAMT package (FAMT_2.2.zip) or from the CRAN

In R, install the package.

Load FAMT in your R session by writing: > library(FAMT)

To have help on line: > ?FAMT

Installing the Graphical User Interface

FAMT is included in the Rcmdr environment and therefore beneficiates from all the Rcmdr features. The FAMT menu allows to implement steps of multiple testing procedure.

FAMT RcmdrPlugin

To install the interface, copy and paste the following line code in an R window (be careful, you have to be connected to internet):

> source("http://famt.free.fr/install-famt.r")

The FAMT menu is always included in the menu of Rcmdr, you don't have to run these line codes again.